Sanctuary /Into Color and Light



The viewer is drawn into this space to explore a place of refuge and reflection

Size in inches: 30 x 30"

Size in cm: 76.2 x 76.2 cm

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A myriad of brushstrokes, in various hues, blend and overlap, creating a sense of depth and movement.

The color palette is rich and varied, featuring deep purples, fiery oranges, earthy browns, and bright accents of blues and white, with subtle hints of pink and green. These colors are applied with both boldness and subtlety, contributing to the overall complexity of the composition.

A potential interpretation of this work might see a natural landscape or a tumultuous sky, as the bursts of colors can evoke images of cloudy vistas or reflections in water. However, given the abstract nature of the piece, viewers are encouraged to engage personally and emotionally with the work, possibly seeing different forms or scenes depending on their perspective.

The use of light and dark contrasts adds another layer to the painting, with the darkness around the edges framing and drawing the eye into the lighter, more luminescent center.

Overall, this abstract painting offers a sensory experience, allowing for contemplation and the opportunity to seek out personal meaning in its depths.