After the Dream



Oil on canvas

48 x 60 x 1.5 in

(121.92 x 152.4 x 3.81 cm)

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The image presents an abstract painting with a vibrant interplay of colors and textures. The dominant colors are shades of green, yellow, and deep indigo and grey, which create a somewhat nebulous dreamscape.

To the left and center, lively yellow and green hues appear to burst forth, suggesting a form of natural illumination or growth, reminiscent of sunlight filtering through foliage or an undersea tableau. These areas feature dynamic textures.

The right side of the painting continues the color palette but transitions into more subdued greens and hints of blue, providing a cooler contrast to the warmth emanating from the central yellow and green regions.

The background and edges of the painting dive into a deep, dark shades, infusing the piece with a sense of depth and the unknown. The interaction between the light and dark elements could be interpreted as a confrontation between radiance and shadow, emergence and obscurity.

The overall effect is atmospheric and moody, encouraging the viewer to contemplate the painting's possible meanings and the emotions it evokes, which could range from serenity and wonder to a sense of unrest.