A Selection of Works on Paper
This portfolio contains work completed during two periods when I assigned myself the task of creating a piece of work a day. This time allowed me to experiment freely with no concern for developing a piece beyond a day or two.
These mixed-media paintings involved the use of a variety of materials and mark-making implements. Often, I used India ink and explored the wash qualities this material provided. I also used watercolors, gouache, and acrylic paints, I sometimes added in pigments or applied gilding. The geometry of landscape was often discovered as I worked; sometimes the landscape is seen head-on, and at other times the view is from an aerial perspective. As it was not my intention to portray landscape specifically I allowed that composition so I might explore line and mark-makib and dynamic patterns. The mark-making, whether linear, geometric, or meandering, is completely intuitive and intended to compel the viewer to travel throughout the painting.