Time Lapse: 6 tactics to help you self market without using up all that precious creative time

Break it down into tasks and find a system to organize your time. Know what you need to do. Make a list. There are many apps that will help you keep track of what needs to get done, my iPhone has “reminders” which is easy to edit, apps like Wanderlist, Todoist, SimpleNote, Microsoft’s OneNote, and Notes all enable you to set flags and reminders. Paper and pen works great too! Janet Boltax (www.janetboltaxart.com) writes, “I find that making a list of things I need to do and keeping it in plain sight is a constant, nagging reminder and then I will be more apt to take action. Love crossing things off that list!” Here is an excerpt from an article By David Sax, Why Startups Love Moleskines

“Followers of David Allen’s popular time-management method, Getting Things Done, which developed a substantial following online in the early two-thousands, adopted the Moleskin as a preferred tool, transforming an object designed for romantic, creative scribbling into a hammer of productivity, hacked up with charts, lists, and bullet points. “Getting Things Done isn’t a paper-dependent method,” Allen told me last year. But, he said, the “easiest and most ubiquitous way to get stuff out of your head is pen and paper.”

I like that idea because those notebooks are beautiful. But I find that something as simple as the back of an old envelope works great for me too.

2. Identify “Bermuda Triangles” Are there activities that sap too much time and energy? Are you easily distracted and avoid the task at hand? Do you go to make a cup of coffee and wind up cleaning the kitchen? Once you identify the traps you can try to limit or avoid them. Curb that desire to check personal social media and email. Besides using up precious time, the distraction breaks your concentration.

3. Prioritize and re-prioritize Block out time for certain tasks. Be realistic, set aside enough time, then do the task and do not allow distractions to prevent you from accomplishing your goals: Lisa Palombo ( http://lisapalombo.com/) writes; “ Sticking to a schedule is key! I paint by day light no matter what. So because I have young children my schedule is 9-2:30( longer in summer) m-f per work, studio data entry, reference searching, PR and promotion, social media (thank goodness for Hootsuite, I set up posts in advance) at night.” Unfortunately setting goals is not a one time activity you must continuously re-prioritize your responsibilities. Develop a sense of how much time you have available for the business stuff and make sure you are doing the urgent work first. And Lisa brings up another good point, you can schedule blog and social media posts ahead of time so that you aren't typing away at the last minute (note to self).

4. Take control Scott Brown (DENYDesigns.com) states,“… I set aside two hours everyday to work on-line posting photos, corresponding with other artists, website updating, etc. This requires discipline to have this time without interruption. Its difficult because others see this as flexible hours that aren't as important as a "regular" job, but it must be treated like punching a time clock and, going to work.” Respect your time and your work. Others will learn how important this time is to you when you show them ("Sorry I can't talk right now, I'll call you back when I am finished with the work I am doing.") Give yourself a set amount of time to accomplish your tasks, maybe you even want to set a timer and hit go! Don't stop until you are finished. When you stick to your prioritized list and accomplish tasks on a self-imposed deadline, you feel a sense of accomplishment which will motivate you . Plus, you get to cross your top priority off the list! (see #1)

5. Be prepared to do the work Linda Beaudry Condrillo (www.Frugalinda.com) told me “As a writer, sometimes an idea (or a story) can hit you at any moment during the day. So it's sometimes quite impossible to schedule time for creating. The best I can do is simply be ready for those moments, and that includes having a pen and paper with me, always.” I like Linda's point here, you do not need to be in the studio to feed the creative process ( or to feed on the creative process depending on your view). As I have mentioned before carrying a sketchbook is a great way to enable yourself to keep the creativity in your life and not relegated to studio time.

6. Tell people about the person behind the art Linda Beaudry Condrillo (www.Frugalinda.com) also said “Sharing is key. Take the time, no matter where you are, to advertise who you are and what you do, without being obnoxious, naturally. Or naturally obnoxious” Focus your energy and use the available time on the social media or other self-marketing avenues and techniques that work best for you and your business. Tyler Tervooren writes the following about sharing with others via the digital world ( read the full article here http://zenhabits.net/digital/)

What we need is a mindful approach to developing our online presence. If my personal website is my digital home, then my social networking profiles on Facebook and Twitter, etc. are my embassies. Embassies exist to maintain relationships with “distant lands” and to act as an outpost for people who want to connect outside my home base, not rule my life by commanding my attention. Focus on the essential. Cultivate your ties in social networks where it makes sense and is beneficial, but don’t let them become second homes. Having many homes adds clutter to your digital world just as it does in your physical world. Remember: it’s Facebook’s job to serve you, not the other way around.

And while we are on the social media topic, make sure your tweets and Facebook shares have a personal touch. Remember that your audience wants to hear from you! Share work in development, or explain why you are excited to be in this particular exhibit. Now clearly, I am writing this blog for myself because it has been weeks since the last installment. I am going to make that list now….


Living Gratefully


Light work: Looking at the work of Medardo Rosso